Execution Environment Definition

An example execution environment definition schema is as follows:

version: 1

  EE_BASE_IMAGE: 'quay.io/ansible/ansible-runner:latest'

ansible_config: 'ansible.cfg'

  galaxy: requirements.yml
  python: requirements.txt
  system: bindep.txt

  prepend: |
    RUN whoami
    RUN cat /etc/os-release
    - RUN echo This is a post-install command!
    - RUN ls -la /etc

Build Args and Base Image

Default values for build args can be specified in the definition file in the build_arg_defaults section as a dictionary. This is an alternative to using the --build-arg CLI flag.

Build args used by ansible-builder are the following:

The ANSIBLE_GALAXY_CLI_COLLECTION_OPTS build arg allows the user to pass the ‘–pre’ flag to enable the installation of pre-releases collections.

The EE_BASE_IMAGE build arg specifies the parent image for the execution environment.

The EE_BUILDER_IMAGE build arg specifies the image used for compiling type tasks.

Values given inside of build_arg_defaults will be hard-coded into the Containerfile, so they will persist if podman build is called manually.

If the same variable is specified in the CLI --build-arg flag, the CLI value will take higher precedence.

Ansible Config File Path

When using an ansible.cfg file to pass a token and other settings for a private account to an Automation Hub server, listing the config file path here (as a string) will enable it to be included as a build argument in the initial phase of the build.

Ansible Galaxy Dependencies

The galaxy entry points to a valid requirements file for the ansible-galaxy collection install -r ... command.

The entry requirements.yml may be a relative path from the directory of the execution environment definition’s folder, or an absolute path.

Python Dependencies

The python entry points to a valid requirements file for the pip install -r ... command.

The entry requirements.txt may be a relative path from the directory of the execution environment definition’s folder, or an absolute path.

System-level Dependencies

The system entry points to a bindep requirements file. This will be processed by bindep and then passed to dnf, other platforms are not yet supported.

Additional Custom Build Steps

Additional commands may be specified in the additional_build_steps section, either for before the main build steps (prepend) or after (append). The syntax needs to be one of the following:

  • a multi-line string (example shown in the prepend section above)

  • a list (as shown via append)